
The Heat Pump Ready programme supports 35 projects across 2 streams: High-density deployment and Optimised solutions development.

Integrated comfort and billing service

  • Lead organisation: Energiesprong
  • Heat Pump Ready grant value: £204,126.00
  • Project partners: None

Project overview

Heat pumps can deliver warm and comfortable homes, and energy cost savings of over 50% when deployed as part of a high performance and high quality retrofit. This creates an opportunity for a ‘comfort plan’ to be offered, which provides guaranteed heating outcomes for occupants in return for a fee (which is no more than the total savings). This can help to fund the heat pump retrofit enabling greater deployment and support access to heat pumps through reducing the requirement for upfront capital investment.

This project will finalise the process and technology requirements to offer a seamless end to end comfort plan management service, and then develop and test the technical solutions required to enable delivery of this.

Developments in this scheme will be shared with Energiesprong projects in the initial contracted pipeline of 1,550 homes, aiming for solutions to be demonstrated within live projects.