
The Heat Pump Ready programme supports 36 projects across 2 streams: High-density deployment and Optimised solutions development.

Home Efficiency Hub – Heat Pumps in Cherwell, Oxfordshire.

  • Lead organisation: City Science Corporation Limited
  • Location: Cherwell, Oxfordshire
  • Location category: Urban with significant rural
  • Heat Pump Ready grant value: £198,400.00
  • Project partners: No partners
  • Project subcontractors: Oxfordshire County council, National Energy Foundation, Growth Guides, Trust Power, Lendology

Project overview

The Home Efficiency Hub for Heat Pump Deployment in Cherwell aims to take a holistic approach to heat pump deployment, based on a community-focused prosumer approach to energy generation. This will enable consumers to both produce and consume their own energy.

A key part of the prosumer model that will be developed will be to combine heat pump installation, retrofit and onsite energy generation, to help simplify consumer pathways to build confidence in low carbon heat technologies. This will be achieved by employing a consumer-centric approach through providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for energy efficiency, helping consumers address barriers by engaging local communities to work collaboratively.

This project was supported during phase 1 of Heat Pump Ready to prepare a feasibility study. The final report is published below: