
The Heat Pump Ready programme supports 36 projects across 2 streams: High-density deployment and Optimised solutions development.

Heat pumps for Friday Bridge, Cambridgeshire

  • Lead organisation: City Science Corporation Limited
  • Location: Fenland, Cambridgeshire
  • Location category: Rural
  • Heat Pump Ready grant value: £196,935.00
  • Project partners: No partners
  • Project subcontractors: Peterborough Environment City Trust, Cambridgeshire County Council, Fenland District Council, Growth Guides (Apple Barn UK Limited), Lendology

Project overview

This project will support the development of optimised deployment of domestic heat-pumps in high-density areas; using rural Cambridgeshire as a test bed for innovative technologies to reduce costs to consumers, minimise barriers to uptake, improve repeatability of performance and understand impacts on the national grid.

The project will utilise a holistic approach to Heat Pump deployment, based on an “integrated stakeholder model”, bringing together several components of programme design, based on best-practice research.

Working with local partners and catalysing change, a place-based approach will help establish local momentum and generate community interest for Heat Pumps. Through collaborating with Cambridgeshire Retrofit Partnership, the project will evolve and disseminate best practices. The project will work closely with users to streamline the customer journey, tailored to two core user segments – those in or at risk of fuel poverty and able-to-pay home-owners. The project will translate successes observed in the US PACE programme and apply these within a UK context to stimulate uptake. The project will use a detailed and replicable geospatial process to prioritise work in communities that will receive the greatest impact.

This project was supported during phase 1 of Heat Pump Ready to prepare a feasibility study. The final report is published below: